Enroll now and join us on a journey of education and growth
As a charter school dedicated to enrolling curious minds, we provide a nurturing environment that inspires students to reach their full potential.

This is my 5th year at RMCA. I graduated from Texas Christian University with a Bachelor of Science in Geology and worked as a science teacher in Dallas before moving to Colorado Springs in 2018. In my spare time, I enjoy hiking, reading and traveling domestically and internationally.
K-8 Enrollment Process
Rocky Mountain Classical Academy Waitlist/ Enrollment Policy
Eligible students shall be considered for admission into Rocky Mountain Classical Academy on a first-come, first-serve basis, and without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, religion, ancestry, or gender.
RMCA accepts students in kindergarten through eighth grade, with the exception of those who have been expelled from their previous school or have pending disciplinary or truancy issues. RMCA may also consider the enrollment of students who have previously declined enrollment or voluntarily withdrawn on a case-by-case basis. There are no academic prerequisites for admission. RMCA reserves the right to deny enrollment to students if the enrollment documents contain false, misleading, or incomplete information.
Priority for enrollment will be given in the following order:
Retention and advancement of currently enrolled students.
Children of RMCA employees.
Siblings of currently enrolled students. Note: If a student voluntarily leaves the school and later wishes to return, their sibling status will be determined by the date of the new letter of intent, rather than the original sibling date of entry, as well as their eligibility for re-enrollment as assessed by the administration.
Current students in RMCA’s homeschool program who have completed at least one year of enrollment and seek full-time placement.
RMCA reserves the right to deny enrollment requests from students residing outside the Falcon 49 School District when such enrollment would have a negative impact on the efficient use of district and school resources.
Students with Special Learning Needs
Rocky Mountain Classical Academy does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, ancestry, need for special education services, or any other grounds prohibited by law. Rocky Mountain Classical Academy serves students with disabilities and English Learners and provides services to students as required by state and federal law.
Rocky Mountain Classical Academy welcomes all students and strives to create and maintain a diverse student population. Enrollment in Rocky Mountain Classical Academy is open to all students residing in the state. Student recruitment and enrollment decisions shall be made in a nondiscriminatory manner as outlined in C.R.S. § 22-30.5-507(3). In all cases, student recruitment and enrollment decisions shall be made without regard to disability, race (including hair texture, hair type or hairstyle), creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin (including English language learners), religion, ancestry, or need for special education services, or any other protected classes.
In most cases, the services required by a student with disabilities can be provided at Rocky Mountain Classical Academy. In some cases, a student’s individual needs require that they be placed in a different program or location as determined by an IEP or Section 504 team.
To ensure that the needs of students with disabilities are met, the following procedures are followed by Rocky Mountain Classical Academy:
Enrollment materials specify that RMCA serves students with disabilities.
Following admission, RMCA shall require that the student provide the most recent IEP (including eligibility IEP) or Section 504 Plan, if available.
A review team consisting of the Falcon School District 49 Special Education Coordinator, iConnect Zone Operations Administrator and/or school counselor shall review the IEP or 504 plan and determine whether the school will be the least restrictive environment appropriate for the student.
If the team finds that the IEP or 504 plan requires a significant change of placement* or raises other concerns about the student’s ability to access a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), the Falcon School District 49 Special Education Coordinator and/or iConnect Zone Operations Administrator shall convene a complete IEP team to determine the appropriate placement.
If the team determines that RMCA is the appropriate placement for the student, the student shall be placed directly in a program that meets the requirements of the student’s existing IEP or Section 504 Plan, unless and until the school convenes an IEP meeting or 504 meeting is held and the IEP or Section 504 Plan is changed.
If the IEP team determines the IEP or 504 Plan requires a significant change of placement, then the IEP team will refer the student to the Special Education Coordinator for District 49. The Special Education Coordinator will confer with the student and family regarding placement opportunities available in accordance with the placement determination made by the IEP team and assist the family in making proper application(s) for the placement setting.
How do I enroll?
The enrollment process is initiated when a parent submits a Letter of Intent to Enroll (LOI). All LOIs will be date and time-stamped to ensure a fair, first-come, first served order of receipt. Rocky Mountain Classical Academy (RMCA) accepts students from all local school districts. However, in accordance with our agreement with District 49 (D49), at least 51% of our students must reside within the D49 boundaries. Please note that RMCA does not accept new student enrollments after the October 1st cutoff date each school year.

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Eligibility Requirements
Colorado Residency
To attend RMCA, all applicants must be residents of Colorado. Out-of-area students may apply by submitting a Letter of Intent (LOI). Depending on availability, they may be placed on a waitlist or offered enrollment. However, proof of Colorado residency or a copy of relocation orders is required to complete the enrollment process.
Age Requirement
Starting in the 2025-2026 school year, all prospective kindergarten students must be at least 5 years of age, and all prospective first-grade students must be at least 6 years of age, on or before August 1st.
Application Grade
Excluding Kindergarten students who have never attended school and students applying to attend RMCA mid-school year, a student must be in the grade preceding that for which he or she is applying in an upcoming school year.